- Train ticket will be arranged by you or by us as you prefer.
- Train fare contains amount set by Indian Railway and our/agents service charges.
- Train/Air fare may vary from time to time based on Ticket's availability and agent's service charges.
- Air/Train/Bus any scheduled public transport services, if got scrambled or delayed, we are not responsible for that. And any way not liable to compensate.
- Train reservation and full Air fares have to be deposited in advance.
- Refund of Air/Train fare for cancelled Flight/Train is subject to discretion of respective authorities.
- Advance reservation of seats in buses will be according to their seat serial number.
- Travelling in sleeper coaches, preferred (LOWER/MIDDLE/UPPER) berth allocation is not guaranteed as not in our control.
- Regarding Railways, Air and surface transportation related matters we are dependent upon the authorities.
- On cancellation request of transportation, refund will be calculated based on different component. For Railway/Airway/Surface Transport actual provider’s cancellation policy will be applicable. Agent charges won’t be reversed anyway.